watch Warrior online megavideo,The woman warrior an immediate success upon its publication in 1976. He became an instant best-seller and earned a spot in the top ten nonfiction books of the decade. Maxine Hong Kingston because dealing with stories about growth in individuals and between generations in two different cultures, teachers from different disciplines use the book to supplement their teaching. Some use it to discuss women's issues, while others think it serves well to encourage and support dialogue on sociological, historical, literary and ethnic issues. Critics have praised the ability of Kingston to deal with concerns of identity among Chinese women who have long been repressed by the Chinese male tradition. In addition, continuing its skills in storytelling, "the story speaks of" Chinese art, but custom made orally to the tax written to be transmitted across generations.
Woman Warrior, has received negative reviews because the critics are hard to classify the content. Although Knopf published a book of fiction, many reviewers say that Kingston is too non-specific memories of a book considered anything but fiction. Kingston admits that the most important source of information for his books on the stories of his mother and his father's reticence, along with his memories and imagination. Kingston defends his technique, though. He says the book is not an autobiography, but in particular to combine truth and fiction, the autobiographical form.
That readers love the book for its inspiring message of empowerment or despise him for his sometimes macabre themes, most will agree with Feng Chia-Pin, who wrote in the Dictionary of Literary Biography, " Kingston writes ... contains the collective mind of the American Chinese community. "
The Woman Warrior summary
Autobiography Maxine Hong Kingston began the mother tells her story, she never knew the lady who had nothing. China's aunt was pregnant for a long time with her husband and his brother were celebrating the "rush" the wedding and went to America. The marriage was to ensure that all people who went to America would come home and resume their place in Chinese society, but the adultery of the aunt had shocked the community. When the pregnancy became apparent, the villagers had stormed into a rage, breaking and entering and ... "Complete Woman Warrior Summary
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