watch Dream House online megavideo,The film is directed by Jim Sheridan (father's name) and written by David Loucks (house by the end of the street). Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz and Naomi Watts (below) with stars Marton Csokas, Claire gears, Taylor, Rachel G. Fox, Mark Wilson, Jonathan Potts, and Lynne Griffin.
Some say that every house has memories. For a man, his house is the place that would kill to forget. Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz and Naomi Watts star in Dream House, a thriller about a family that moves into a house without knowing where horrible murders have been committed ... found in the murderer's next target.
Publisher Success Atento (Craig), dropping out of Manhattan high-power transferred to his wife, Libby (Weisz), and the two girls is a picturesque New England town. But when they settle into a new life, find the perfect home was the scene of the murder of his mother and her son. And the whole town believes that it was in the hands of her husband, who survived.
When Will investigates, not sure if you start to see ghosts, or if it's just a tragic story hit too close to home. His only clues come from Ann Paterson (Watts), a mysterious neighbor who knew he had been hit. And Will and Ann Haunting assemble the puzzle, they must find out who killed a family Will the dream of the house before returning to kill again.
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