watch One Day online megavideo,Singing continues to have a recurring dream, you see a child cry, but she can not see his face or hear what he says. One night at sea on a ferry, which falls on a young soldier who claims to be her lover to come. She pays no attention to the seemingly ridiculous story of the soldier, but a series of mysterious incidents begin to ask him if he could tell the truth.
Bridging islands break the solitude, thought and feeling - we're just a dream. Produced by acclaimed director Hou Hsiao Hsien, "One Day" is a visual poem of love magic realism presented by filmmaker Hou Chi-Jan-talented young winner of the Grand Prix at the Taipei International Film Festival, starring Golden Horse Award-winning Actress Nikki Hsin-Ying Hsieh, and Golden Bell award-winning actor Bryan Shu-Hao Chang.
When I was nineteen, I spent my days in the study center near the Taipei train station preparing for exams. I found a research center for an exciting and fascinating, all the tables were the only cells. Students will probably have spent more time napping than studying at your desk. Every time I walked to move the file to students, peacefully sleeping, I could not imagine what they were dreaming of that moment.
When I was 22, I drew the short straw for my military service and was assigned to serve in Kinmen, an island near Taiwan. Before assuming that the work I was sent to a military base in Kaohsiung hillside to keep the boat on the way to Kinmen. Every night on guard, I sneak out to make a phone call, a call that was never answered. Hearing the alarm continues, I watched the distant light glowing in the city of Kaohsiung, which was still at the bottom of the hill. These are the moments where I felt the loneliness of youth and the intangible nature of love ...
Finally boarded the boat to Kinmen. In addition to the waves at night, my only companions were A-Mei sang, "Listen to the Sea" and the radio songs of Faye Wong. Years later, I began to tell stories, where the center study, the military base, the boat and the sea change, extend, expand and connect with each other in my rebuilt, recurring memories. In the end everything was restored and from there it film, "One Day" was born.
The film may go beyond reality and into the world of vague memories. But the eagerness and expectation, the burden of youth bored to wait long, can never be falsified.
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